Monday, April 16, 2007

well it seemed like a good idea at the time

This is how you can ruin the thing you love. Try and do it yourself.
Case in point "The 5000 fingers of Dr T" stage production currently in preproduction.


Luke said...

What the hell is that crappy wannabe-Terry Gilliam animation? was it done in Powerpoint?

Gavin Elster said...

I don't know. All I know is some jerkwad wanted to put the movie on stage and couldnt get the rights to the music so he wrote his own.
I wish the jerkwad luck.

WAT said...


That banner is soooooooooooo tasteless!

But hell, the lame jokes about tragedies never take long to materialize.

Gavin Elster said...

I took the damn thing down. I actually started to feel. Feel what I dont know as I no longer have genuine emotions.

Gavin Elster said...

B.P. !!!
lol you make me laugh of the out loud variety

Anonymous said...

I have heard the demo of the score -- some of the songs aren't bad at all - but I agree that they are not as good as the original film.

They are moving ahead with this production in New York; there have been several recent readings.

Gavin Elster said...

I noticed there was a reading in New Mexico.
Honestly I call this guy a jerkwad out of repect. I too thought this film deserved to be on stage yet did nothing to put it there.

I will see this when it is up an running. I'm a big fan of the film and cant miss out on a chance to see this play. Even if it turns out to be worse than CARRIE the musical.