Thursday, July 5, 2007

This is amazing.

It explains copyright fair use by using Disney cartoon clips. This deserves an award.


The Egel Nest said...

That is amzaing editing...just the amount of patience it must have taken to find and implement all those pieces!!

Plus, it is a genius idea to teach about copyright law that way!


Good Stuff!

The Egel Nest

Gavin Elster said...
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Stub Winged Bilge Rat said...

GENIUS!! They should get even more than an award, maybe a knighthood for ingenuity, patience, insight, and above all, bravery. ;-)

Scot said...

So wrought with irony, I don't evem know where to begin. As I noted when I fisrt came across your site (one handed typing is so difficult even still) anything Disney disappears from youtube in days at the longest: like the Disney Vault video you had up.
So yes, truely amazing on so many levels that I almost wet myself (on so many levels)