Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The funny comes with the dressing. (wait for it!)

The measuring cup gag at the beginning is priceless. He carefully measures out some water from a yellow Dixie cup into the measuring cup. He pours the contents of the measuring cup into the bowl. Then he pours the rest of the Dixie cup into the same bowl. AWESOME!
Please PLEASE watch Merrill add the salad dressing. It happens about 5:43 . I promise you'll either call the police or laugh so hard you'll tear up.

I did both.

"Just watch Merrill put dressing on this salad..." Cafepress shirts anyone?

Stay for the big finale when Raquel Welsh makes an appearance.
This is truly the best thing on you-tube.


Unknown said...

Great archaic impressionism mixed with haute cuisine?

Merrill Howard Kalin. I doff my toque to you.

I'm calling him right now.

Gavin Elster said...

Did he answer or was it Raquel Welsh?

mary bishop said...

Vewy funny!