Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sir Ian Sir Ian Sir Ian... OH I HAVE TO PISS ON YOU?...Sir Ian Sir Ian

Ok, first Jake brags to Sir Ian that he used to be a lifeguard. That little exchange quickly goes south (or north depending on your point of view) with Jake asking Sir Ian to piss on him. Sir Ian's eyes light up and he turns his back to the camera and points his shame at Jake.
Sir Ian looks like he had his hair done in the limo by some rough (not his hippy boyfriend) trade.
another Queen shows up.

Salvadore Dahli presents THE BAFTAS.


Anonymous said...

What's funnnier is how obvious it is that Helen Mirren doesn't like Sir Ian.

EmmaPeel007 said...

What happened to Ruby Wax? She used to be somewhat funny but now she's as bad as Joan Rivers...

Gavin Elster said...

OHY MY GOD THATS RUBY WAX???? Damn she is not funny at all! She was a riot 20years ago. She was a damn good script polisher for ABFAB. What happened Ruby? Oh this clip makes me sad now. I had no idea who that idiot was.

Troy said...

that was funny